Thursday, February 21, 2008

Appalachian Trail

The Great Smoky Mountains Appalachian Trail - Its official name is the Appalachian National Scenic Trail. However, unlike those famous parks, the Appalachian Trail is not a concentrated preserve, with campgrounds and paths within its boundaries.

The 281 miles (452 km) of the trail in Maine are particularly difficult. More moose are seen by hikers in this state than any other on the trail. The northern terminus of the Appalachian Trail is on Katahdin's Baxter Peak in Baxter State Park. The western section includes a mile-long (1.6 km) stretch of boulders at Mahoosuc Notch, often called the trail's hardest mile. Also, although there are dozens of river and stream fords on the Maine section of the trail, the Kennebec River is the only one on the trail that requires a boat crossing. The most isolated portion in the state (and arguably on the entire trail) is known as the "100-Mile Wilderness." This section heads east -northeast from the town of Monson and ends outside Baxter State Park just south of Abol Bridge.

Undoubtedly the most important difference between the Appalachian Trail and other national-park units is that volunteers make it possible. Each year, thousands of people maintain, patrol, and monitor the footpath and its surrounding lands.

From the Highlands of Roan in Tennessee to the strenuous trek up Katahdin in Maine, the Appalachian Trail stretches over 14 different states: Maine - 281 Miles , New Hampshire - 161 Miles, Vermont - 146 Miles, Massachusetts - 90 Miles, Connecticut - 52 Miles, New York - 88 Miles, New Jersey - 74 Miles, Pennsylvania - 232 Miles, Maryland - 41 Miles, West Virginia - 2 Miles, Virginia - 544 Miles, Tennessee-North Carolina - 371 Mile and Georgia - 75 Miles

In it's diverse route the Appalachian Trail and passes through more than 60 federal, state, and local parks and forests. Hundreds of roads cross it. In some parts, the Trail corridor is only a few hundred feet wide. The Appalachian Trail is an adventure of a lifetime with it's true beautiful wilderness, wild animals and all! Don't miss it!

Anthony Benjamin is a world traveler with a deep love of nature. As a wise and proficient author Anthony Benjamin shares his adventures with you, the reader. Website building is a hobby that he uses as another avenue of his sharing as can be seen at: http://www.Appalachian-Treasures.Com

10 Tips On Promoting Your New Blog

One great way of getting more traffic and more importantly, making the traffic come back to your site over and over again, is by having your own blog.

The term, Blog, is becoming more and more popular, and these days most online companies have a blog.

How can you promote your blog? Once you get your blog known, if you have good enough content, then it will promote itself, thats the amazing thing with blogs.

Heres some quick tips to help promote your blog.

1. Allow your blog readers to subscribe to your own RSS feed. Subscribe with Feedburner. Feedburner allows blog owners and podcasters the ability to manage their RSS feeds and track usage of their subscribers.

2. Always set your blog to ping update services. What is that? If you use the Wordpress software, here is a great explanation,

3. Take full advantage of Technorati. For a full explanation of what Technorati is and how it works, take a look here,

4. Use the power of social netwroking sites, such as, and . If you write a great article, submit it to these sites, if they get picked up by them, you will see a massive increase in traffic to your blog.

5. When writing a post, always make sure you link to as many related sites and blogs. Many blogs have a trackback feature enabled which can see what other blogs, like yours, are sending visitors to their blogs. They then usually link back to your blog automatically for free.

6. Get your blogs web address in as many places as possible. Use forums, and put your blogs address in your signature.

7. Submit your blog to as many blog directories as possible, such as

8. Link to your blog from your websites homepage, and also in the footer of every other page on your website.

9. Get tips from 2 pro bloggers, such as and

10. Finally, and most important, write great content that is relevant to your website, and you will then find your readers will do your promoting for you.

Article Written By Phil From - Please check out AdQuick

This article was written by Philip Micheal of AdQuick, Hull Kingston Upon Zoo